Module 1 of 2
In Progress

Embedding the change and ensuring total engagement

In this brief but crucial module, we will explore the fundamentals of change management within the context of implementing Secure Access changes in a school’s IT infrastructure. To ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to the day-to-day operations, we’ll focus on developing robust change management frameworks. We will learn how to engage various stakeholders, address their concerns, and personalise the benefits of the change for everyone involved.


1. Develop processes for stakeholder engagement:

  • Identify the key groups of stakeholders who need to be involved. This may include teachers, administrative staff, the school’s IT support or provider, school board members, and even parents.
  • Emphasise the importance of ensuring that all users are not only aware of the changes but actively engaged in the transition. Schools should consider platforms that will be used for these people to be provided with information while also contributing their voice, e.g. Secure Access dedicated group chats, regular email updates, collaborative documents, information sessions etc.
  • Emphasise the importance of involving these groups from the early stages to gain their support and input.

2. Frame questions and communications:

  • Understand that people are often more motivated to avoid potential problems than to seek benefits. Frame your questions and communication around what could go wrong if the change doesn’t occur, emphasising the importance of the project and the prior commitment from schools as part of the network upgrade.
  • Highlight the potential challenges and disruptions that could arise without the change.
  • Emphasise the importance of clear and consistent communication throughout the change process and discuss various channels and methods that could be used to reach different stakeholders.

3. Personalise the benefits (WIFM – What’s in it for me?):

  • Recognise that individuals are primarily interested in how the change will benefit them personally. When discussing Secure Access, describe how the change will make their lives easier or more efficient.
  • Share specific examples of how the change will positively impact different roles within the school. A great example to share with staff is this case study from Amberley Primary School.


4. Anticipate user questions:

5. Identify key influencers:

  • Identify individuals within the school community who hold significant influence or respect, for example, Board of Trustee members, who consistently have digital security and safety front of mind.
  • If possible, meet with these key influencers before holding wider meetings to explain the project’s importance and seek their support.
  • Leverage their support to advocate for the change among their peers.

6. Minimise disruption to business as usual:

  • Ensure you know who the key contacts are, such as third-party device vendors, that can serve as resources and points of contact for the change process.
  • Ensure that there are clear channels for reporting and addressing issues that may arise during and post-migration, and that key contacts know where to go to troubleshoot.
    • For more resources on Secure Access see Training Hub and Support Hub. You can reach out to the Customer Support team on 0800 LEARNING Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm, while your School Relationship Manager is also on hand to support you.

Consider strategies for minimising disruption to day-to-day school operations during the migration day itself.

  • Have a centralised record of school’s nominated contacts for Secure Access including contact details such as phone numbers to get a in touch with them easily on the day. This information is saved on the school Migration Plan.
  • Ensure the school’s technological infrastructure and individual devices are prepared and meet the necessary requirements to support the migration, and that devices are charged and available on the day.
  • Make sure a room is booked for the migration day to operate out of separate learning spaces.
  • Ensure those who need to be are released from teaching or other responsibilities for the migration process.
  • Confirm the date and timing of migration with all relevant staff so they can clear the way for the training.

Find out what Maungatūroto Primary School in Northland did to ensure a successful migration to Secure Access by watching this video.