Module 1 of 4
In Progress

Device management overview

Device management in schools involves a comprehensive approach that encompasses various strategies to ensure the effective and secure use of technology. An in-depth understanding of how a well-configured device management system can improve productivity, learning outcomes and security is key in championing an outstanding Secure Access migration.

Please note that Mobile Device Management (MDM) is not in scope of this project but can be implemented if your school decides on this option.

Device management isn’t just about MDM, we need to consider other aspects of this topic in the context of Secure Access.

  • Inventory management: keeping track of all devices in your school, including computers, tablets, and any other technology. This involves maintaining an up-to-date inventory that records details such as device type, model, serial number, and location. Inventory management is vital for the Secure Access migration as your assigned IT partner will need to gather all school owned devices for migration day.
  • Deployment strategies: efficiently distributing devices to your students and staff. This might involve setting up a check-out system for devices that are not assigned to individuals, or a deployment event at the start of a school year for devices that are. Implementing deployment strategies for your school’s ongoing success with Secure Access is important. Your staff should be aware of how to enrol devices, where to find documentation to enrol devices and if applicable have zero touch enrolment configured.
  • Configuration management: ensuring that all devices are configured correctly and uniformly. This might include installing the necessary software, setting up user accounts, and configuring network settings. It’s crucial to establish standard configurations for different types of devices to streamline management and troubleshooting. For ongoing success, configuration profiles will need to be created/updated to meet the school’s needs within the context of Secure Access.
  • Risk assessment and management: identifying potential risks associated with the use of devices in your school’s environment. This includes risks related to data security, physical damage to devices, and misuse by students or staff. Implementing security measures such as password protection, antivirus software, and internet filters is crucial. Also, consider policies and procedures to address lost, stolen, or damaged devices. For more information on risk assessment and management take a look at the National Institute of Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework.
  • Training and support: providing training for your school’s staff and students on how to use the devices effectively and safely. This also involves setting up a support system for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues.
  • Data protection and privacy: implementing measures to protect sensitive data, such as student records and staff information. This involves using encryption, secure storage solutions, and adhering to data protection laws and policies. To learn more about the impact of data and privacy compromise click here.
  • Sustainable lifecycle management: considering the entire lifecycle of a device, from procurement to disposal. This includes planning for the replacement of outdated or broken devices and ensuring that old devices are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Older devices or schools with a wide variety of devices may start to struggle with manual or MDM enrolments as technology progresses. While implementing device management, consider what a sustainable life cycle might look like for them. Budget will need to be taken into consideration.
  • Policy development and enforcement: creating clear policies regarding the use of technology in your school, and ensuring these policies are understood and followed by all. This includes policies on acceptable use, security practices, and consequences for misuse.