Module 2 of 3
In Progress

What to expect on visit 1: Technical Survey

The assigned IT partner will require around half a day to conduct a Technical Survey.

The date and time of this survey will be communicated and agreed with your school in advance by N4L.

The Technical Survey for the Secure Access migration is an essential step in preparing your school’s network for migration. Expect to spend at least 2 hours with the assigned IT partner technician to go over the following details.

  • Understanding current systems: the survey starts by identifying what type of user directory your school currently uses. This is like checking the school’s digital ‘address book’ that stores information about who can access the network (for example, students and staff).
  • User groups and access: we look into how different groups in the school (such as teachers and students) are separated in the system. This helps in setting up the new network to ensure everyone gets access only to what they need.
  • Administrative access: we need to identify who currently has the ‘keys’ to the network – essentially, who can make changes or grant access to others.
  • Guest internet access: the technician will ask about how guests access your school’s Wi-Fi. This is important for planning how to handle visitors’ internet needs in the future.
  • Device management: we collect information on how the school’s devices (like laptops and tablets) are managed and grouped. This helps in understanding how these devices will connect to and use the new network.
  • Third-party devices: the technician checks for other pieces of infrastructure that connect to your network,, like security cameras or smartboards.
  • Online safety and firewall policies: we look into what kind of online safety measures are currently in place, like which websites are blocked (for example, social media or gaming sites).
  • Future access and policies: finally, your survey’s responses help plan for future network access rules and policies, ensuring they align with the school’s needs and security standards.

Your assigned Secure Access contacts will have received an email before visit 1 to sign up for a Support Hub account. This account is necessary for the Technical Survey acknowledgement and migration day technical sign-off to be completed.