Module 3 of 3
In Progress

What to expect on visit 2: Migration day

Secure Access checklist

The checklist guides schools through pre-migration preparations, the migration day process, and post-migration support, ensuring a smooth transition to a more secure network.

On migration day, the school will be the focus of a crucial series of steps undertaken by the assigned technician, marking the final step of the Secure Access migration. This day is meticulously planned to include everything from setting up the technical aspects to conducting thorough testing of the new system. The assigned technician, in close collaboration with the N4L engineering team, will ensure that every detail is addressed for a smooth transition.

Throughout the day, there will also be a significant emphasis on training and transferring knowledge to previously identified staff. This is to ensure that everyone is comfortable and familiar with the new system, empowering them to make the most of the upgraded network.

As the day progresses, the assigned technician will wrap up with comprehensive post-migration tasks and your school’s nominated contact will be required to sign-off the test plans. The assigned technician will gather feedback and make sure that every element of the migration aligns with the standards and protocols set by N4L. This process is designed to ensure that the school benefits from a more secure, efficient, and well-integrated network system.

Visit 2 could take place over multiple days depending on the size of the school as outlined during visit 1 – Technical Survey.

  • Onsite preparation: the day begins with the IT partner arriving at the school. They follow a set procedure to get ready, which includes setting up their equipment and preparing for the day’s tasks.
  • Coordination with N4L engineer: early in the day, the IT partner contacts the N4L engineer. This step is about making sure both parties are on the same page and that the network is ready for the migration.
  • Activating the new network: the N4L engineer remotely sets up the new Secure Access network, making sure it’s broadcasting correctly and ready for devices to connect.
  • Testing before migration: before moving everything over to the new system, the assigned technician runs tests to ensure the network is functioning correctly and ready for the transition.
  • Enrolling devices: this involves connecting all the school’s devices, like computers and tablets, to the new network. Both managed and unmanaged (like personal devices of students or staff) devices are set up to work with Secure Access.
    Note: connecting any third-party devices to the new network is the school’s responsibility and any associated cost has to be covered by the school. 
  • Training for school staff: once the network is up and running, the assigned technician conducts training sessions for school staff. This includes what Secure Access is, how to manage guest Wi-Fi access and handle device enrolment in the future.
  • Final checks and security updates: your assigned IT partner changes any known admin passwords for additional security and carries out final tests to ensure everything is working smoothly. These tests include but are not limited to the following.
    • Network speed and quality tests
    • Printer functionality test
    • Third-party device tests
      This ensures everything is running smoothly.
  • Note: your school’s nominated contact will be required to sign into N4L’s Support Hub to run tests and sign off the migration.
  • Concluding the migration: the day ends with the technician completing all required tasks, documenting the migration process, and officially confirming that the migration is complete.
  • Post-migration support: N4L will provide post-migration support. If you have any questions, concerns or require support  contact our Customer Support team on 0800 LEARNING, Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm, or email them at


MyN4L is a platform containing a number of tools that provide schools with visibility and control of their online environment. MyN4L was previously referred to as N4L’s “Self Service” portal or “Reporting app”.

On migration day, your assigned IT partner will need to verify that the principal and all relevant school staff have access to MyN4L, ensuring they can manage guest access and device registration from the following day. Please take the time to sign up for MyN4L prior to migration day.

Technical sign-off

After the migration is technically signed off through Support Hub, the warranty period for the new system begins. This period spans 30 business days, excluding school holidays, providing support for any post-migration issues.

  • It’s essential for the principal or the assigned technical contact at the school to have access to Support Hub.
  • They play a crucial role in giving the final approval, ensuring that the migration meets the school’s expectations and requirements.

Migration complete sign-off

  • School’s principal will receive an email 7 days after the migration day to confirm that the Secure Access migration has been successfully completed for your school.
  • This final sign-off by your principal will trigger a satisfaction survey.
  • If you need any help with setting up or using Support Hub, please feel free to reach out to the N4L Customer Support team or your assigned IT partner for assistance.
  • We are here to support you through every step of this transition to ensure it’s successful and beneficial for the school.